She looks like she could really give you hell. And then like handletter your birthday party invitations or something. My point is that she looks MULTITALENTED in this getup.
Calypso for Target ottoman WILL. BE. MINE. if I have to have it delivered to my office, strap it to my back and lug it on the dank summer subways back to my apartment, so be it.
Stella, you slay me! Why do kids get all the good stuff? They get summer vacation, rides to their friends' houses, small hands, candy, cartoons, and even sneakers?!!
Bill Cunningham-- that voice! You have to love that the first street style photographer is still out there on his bicycle taking pictures of weirdos and bigwigs alike. Can't wait for the upcoming documentary about him.
Look at these fancy, somehow-rich-even-though-they-work-in-fashion people's closets. Then you're REALLY going to hate all the cheap crap from H&M that you already own. Because none of your stuff came from your Turkish grandmother/rich boyfriend/secret sample sale/bestie, who also happens to be Prada's PR girl. Hrmph.
We have two (that's right, TWO) fireplaces in our apt. Unfortunately all this hippie "spare the air day" bullshit prevents us from EVER HAVING A FIRE. Also, they don't work. But I like that first reason better. thanksforit, theselby
It's that time of year again. When I wish I could throw on some heavy duty winter wear and not look like a COMPLETE LUNATIC. It would also be nice if I had that hair. thanksforit, backyardbill
Daddy found this cool company Omhu that makes being hurt or disabled fun! Daddy knows how it it feels now. He's much more empathetic after his elbow break last week :(
COSTUME IDEA: KELLY CUTRONE! 1. Black witch hair wig, scraggly haircut 2. Scrub your face and apply zero makeup 3. Black shapey, drapey clothes 4. Cursing, flying off the handle, general dramatics BONUS if you can find a cute little brunette girl to be your daughter, and DOUBLE BONUS if you can find a shockingly super hot French guy to be your babydaddy.
Daddy lives in SF. Baby lives in NY. Welcome to our cross-national garden of musings, personal poems, and intimate daily video diaries! Join the conversation!