no bitchin' in the kitchen!
SEXY: hedi slimane's photo diary

so i found this and i think its VERY sexy....this man knows how to take a picktur...
he also knows how to make some killer skinny man-pants.
CURRENT EVENTS: shirtless prezies

daddy doesn't read poems, so baby will share a seasonal favorite with you

little tree - a poem by e.e. cummings
- little tree
- little silent Christmas tree
- you are so little
- you are more like a flower
who found you in the green forest
and were you very sorry to come away?
see i will comfort you
because you smell so sweetly
i will kiss your cool bark
and hug you safe and tight
just as your mother would,
only don't be afraid
look the spangles
that sleep all the year in a dark box
dreaming of being taken out and allowed to shine,
the balls the chains red and gold the fluffy threads,
put up your little arms
and i'll give them all to you to hold
every finger shall have its ring
and there won't be a single place dark or unhappy
then when you're quite dressed
you'll stand in the window for everyone to see
and how they'll stare!
oh but you'll be very proud
and my little sister and i will take hands
and looking up at our beautiful tree
we'll dance and sing
"Noel Noel"
g-bread house, scheduled for demolition
high quality apartment living

Baby had dvd player and rabbit-eared flat screen television (that came with the apartment...? strangest promotion ever!) removed from her apartment recently. What they didn't take away were ALL THE CORDS AND THE METAL PLATE that one would think were part of the tv situation. Baby is also thrilled about the giant hole.
What they did do was replace all the holiday cards Baby had displayed on the dvd player, and arrange them almost exactly the same way on the cable box! TV Remover certainly has a healthy sense of respect for the holiday spirit.
Horror movie, or, baby's life

Baby's beautiful courtyard is the scene of many posh tea parties and various other spiritual ceremonies. Oh wait, no it isn't-- it smells like pee and is basically a giant pigeon cage where they all do it and make sick gobbling noises RIGHT OUTSIDE MY WINDOW.
I mean, is this or is this not pretty fricking scary?
Baby's sneaky style shots
Baby was built for bitch work...
it is really important to me

IT IS REALLY IMPORTANT TO ME that you understand just how terrifying this is. This is a CHILD mannequin in a storefront wearing a bridal gown and a "crown" which says Happy New Year. Memo to store: this does not entice me to buy things.
ALSO there is an equally terrifying (if this is even possible) "paternal" figure with its hand on her shoulder! Baby is so scared!
this past week has really broke the bank for daddy...
-$170 for new car key
-$1000 good faith deposit for new apartment which we might not even get
-$1520 in security slash first and last months rent IF we get apartment
-$457 to change my plane ticket home to chicago on top of the $280 dollars i already paid
baby's new favorite thing-
CURRENT EVENTS: "we both would love to have more"

michelle and "jim bob" (yeah thats right i said "jim bob") duggar gave birth to their 18th child...blah blah blah. i don't care about their 18 kids but what DOES scare me is her name: Jordyn-Grace Makiya Duggar.
here are the rest of them:
The other Duggar children, in between Joshua, 20 and Jordyn-Grace, are Jana, 18; John-David, 18; Jill, 17; Jessa, 16; Jinger, 14; Joseph, 13; Josiah, 12; Joy-Anna, 11; Jeremiah, 9; Jedidiah, 9; Jason, 8; James, 7; Justin, 6; Jackson, 4; Johannah, 3; and Jennifer, 1
they're like half biblical half stripper...
-jordyn-grace (obvi)
phone chat
me: 2pm- stoned- chicago- in apartment- 90 deg- old t-shirt and green gym shorts- cooking eggs or something
lexie: 12pm- sober- chico, CA- calling me on break from her demanding job as a movie theater clerk- decides to quiz me about life and love
just kidding, baby
me: i have not even been asking about that lately
Luke: please just stop, okay?
private correspondence, "i've been very tense"
a day with replacement babies: kris and chris
on sunday mornings
oh tannenbaum
private correspondence, "if me and chris do amazing race"
Luke: okay okayalso if me and chris do amazing race
would this cause you some distress?
"Attention tenants, attention tenants. Please disregard any alarms, sirens, strobe lights, or smells you may notice in the building."
Sirens? Smells? I peek around my office and no one else has even looked up. Such is New York.

CURRENT EVENTS: britney likes deep dish

"Lindsey, I don't know what you're talking about, I'd do him in a minute! I met him once at a white sox game with this asian friend of his. Give him and his hair a chance."
ps: he invited me to his birthday party in 7th grade but i was too sacred to go...and look where he is now! guess i should have gone to that birthday party!
baby loves "going out tops"

these are baby's new friends she met since moving to new york. baby would have been in the picture too (in one of her new going out tops) but her new friends made her take the picture because her going out top was not as nice as their going out tops. also, they said baby's hair didn't look as good as their hair. basically her new friends are much prettier and more stylish and have better hair than baby does.
i prefer tea

the way i feel...

...about coffee. I go to sleep at night grateful that a new day is dawning... a day in which I get to have that first cup all over again. And then more and more.
Daddy doesn't understand.
baby's adventure: a sad story told through dance

So she looked it up and figured out how to get from her apartment to the lecture hall. She looked at maps and also at the Internet.
"Ah," she said to herself. "I am good at this kind of thing. I will get there easily. And on time as well."
So off she went.
Baby was supposed to take the "3" train, according to her directions. However, in Baby's part of Manhattan, the "1" "2" and "3" trains all run on the same track, the "1" being Local, and the "2" and "3" being Express.

So Baby got on a "1" train when it came, figuring it would take longer, but still get her to the same place. Baby doesn't like to wait.

Baby sat on the train, reading her Domino magazine, feeling surprisingly pleased that there was a cute man on the train with her. Cute men are NOT a dime a dozen as one might expect in a gigantic city. They are more like a penny in a big bag of dirty leaves.
When her stop came, Baby got off the train and peeked outside. Baby suddenly had a bad feeling. Baby suspected she might be
"Uh oh," Baby said to herself. "My map doesn't go this high." For some reason, Baby's stupid map doesn't go above 125th street, even though there is still a lot of Island above that. In fact, there is so much Island above that that some of the names of streets change, making for even more confusion when Baby gets lost.
It turns out that it is crucial to understand that the "1" splits off from the "2" and the "3" and takes its passengers WAY to the west side of the island, and the "2" and the "3" take them more towards the center/east of the island.
Baby likes referring to "the island".
Baby wandered for a little bit, heading East, then West, unfamiliar with the names of the avenues- not numbers, as she expected, but historical figure names. This did not please Baby.
Finally, Baby came upon a policeman guarding a construction site.

Nice policeman told Baby that she was way across the park from where she needed to be, and that the park is not a nice place to walk across, and that Baby should catch the 101 crosstown bus.
Meanwhile, Baby should have been enjoying coffee and conversation with fellow lecture attendees. Instead, Baby was running to catch the 101, which a lot of feeble and cranky people take, making the bus take even longer to get Baby nearer to her final destination.

For which Baby shows up 30 minutes late. And also really warm from a lot of walking on a cold day. And without any coffee in her system.
Additionally, Baby wants everyone to know that she would have been perfectly on time, but that she enjoyed the lecture immensely.