it's been an obsession of mine for quite some time. i crave it more than coffee when i wake up. this morning, i woke up and got ready, yadda yadda...went into the kitchen and opened the fridge only to remember that we haven't had orange juice for like a WEEK. not only had i DOWNED my own supply but i dove into chris's and finished his as well. so the entire car ride to the train, the entire train ride to the office, and the first 15 minutes of being at my computer, orange juice was LITERALLY ALL i could think about...i mean it had been days since i had that taste in my mouth.
so i took action. i went across the street to this really sketchy convenience store and bought my orange juice. i had to drop the extra cash and get odwalla partly because i wanted to treat myself after being deprived for so long, and partly because the only other option was minute maid (don't even get me started on minute maid). this brings me into the next topic: orange juice rankings.
i have had this discussion with MANY people so i feel like this list is pretty acurate. we are not including frozen concentrates. those are a whole seperate level of disgusting. so here it is:
6. shitty store brand- sometimes it's necessary. i don't judge. better than nothing.
5. minute maid- it was tough for me to decide if i should put this last or not. it's pretty bad. it literally tastes like frozen concentrate in fancier ready made carton. i mean they did start out just doing concentrate. but still. it's sick.
4. tropicana- better, but still not fresh enough. orange juice is supposed to be an explosion of freshness. this is not.
3. florida's natural- the best of the shitty brands.
2. simply orange- i rarely buy this. it's really good. but when you're poor, you look at the simply orange for a while debating, then look over at the florida's natural which ALWAYS has some sort of 2 for 1 deal...and we all know daddy can't turn down a deal at safeway.
1. specialty- odwalla, naked, etc. basically designer shit from a designer grocer. always tastes like sunshine. has pulp bits for freshness. always bright and a little bit more translucent.
also pulp is 100% a YES. it makes it so much better. those of you who don't like it, STOP being a 5 YEAR OLD, grow up, and realize that ORANGE JUICE IS SUPPOSED TO BE PULPY.
is this post too long? I DON'T CARE.
yes yes yes
simply orange is the BEST the BEST!
i <3 OJ!!!!!
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