
Admit you love it too...


The day you've all been waiting for has arrived.
We know, we know, where's the whole story about The View? How sexy were the co-hosts? Did Whoopi Goldberg see you in the sale room of Barney's Co-op later THAT VERY SAME DAY and recognize you and initiate a conversation about abortion which culminated in the shaking of hands and expressions of mutual admiration??
Sorry, it's taken us a few days to emotionally process our experiences. But now, finally, we are ready.

Basically, we are changed people. The experience of seeing The View (as VIPs, no less) was so powerful that it will only be topped by the super fancy gay wedding that Daddy is going to have someday (matching baggy tuxes, black balloons, promise rings, the whole nine yards).

See visual narrative below:
it's hard to see the highlighted line on our tickets, but it separated us from the trashy jersey rif raf in line... thank god.
the sexiest bitches volunteered to dance for us
the sexiest redhead on television-- joy behar!
sherri shepard thinks the earth is flat... but look at that beautiful smile! lizbeth is pregs.

Now that our life's goal has been accomplished, what next? I feel empty inside.

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