11:00am--we went to the view. we sat in front. we were really close to whoopi but only in an audience-host way. other hosts seemed to be noticing us more and making more eye contact than whoopi. whoopi is very busy during shows. especially during days of hot topics.
12:00pm--quick outfit change in molly's apt. spent some quality time with the spicy meat smell.
1:00pm--met sarah for lunch at cafe habana. waited forever. got seated next to two mysterious young men, one of whom was late to pick up his suit from prada. JD Ferguson used the tiny habana bano next to our table. there was a fire-related emergency in the building above us, which really took away from our convo b/c of all the sirens and commotion. I WANT MY MONEY BACK HABANA! just kidding LOLZ! sarah had to leave early b/c she had successfully missed 1/2 a day of work grabbing lunch with us. we finished eating but baby kept asking for refills of coffee (what else is new! pfft!)
3:00pm--after visiting a few stores-of-our-dreams (meaning inspiration for our own store) molly suggested a visit to the local barney's co-op. after a good 10 minutes upstairs, we went downstairs. molly told me to turn around and that i would never guess who was behind us. WHOOPI. we may have texted you or emailed you or told you in person or over the phone already... but yeah. she was there. eventually we meander over to her area (KEEP IN MIND IT'S LITERALLY THE TWO OF US, WHOOPI, AND THE BROWN-NOSING SALES ASSISTANT HELPING HER FIND T-SHIRTS IN THE SALE SECTION). before we know it, whoopi is looking at a shirt in the rack 6 inches from my body. after snickering at one of her jokes, she looks up at us (SHE IS SHORT) and asks "Hey! were you two at the show today?" "YES, WHOOPI! YES WE WERE!"
3:15pm-- before we know it we are chatting with her about abortion and the language used for the opposing sides (she's a fan of choice and anti-choice NOT pro-choice and pro-life) it's going along great until molly awkwardly brings up some hyperion book talk shit. lets just say it all went downhill from there. ANYWHO in the end she extended her hand to both of us and said "IT WAS NICE TO MEET YOU," and shook them. baby and daddy ran off skipping down the streets of soho GIDDY AS SIN.
here are the crazy things about this encounter:
1) she recognized us from the audience of a show she taped everyday.
2) she approached US. even IF she by chance recognized us she didn't have to approach us.
3) she engaged us in conversation.
4) she initiated handshakes.
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