
Voted sexiest man to ever live, ever!


I'm sorry, but my fella Phil is inarguably the sexiest man alive-- I am 100% deadly serious. It's not just his sexy attitude, but his deadpan delivery. Also, if you've ever seen the part in Love, Liza, where Phil yells up to Kathy Bates, "You had everything!" and chokes up... let's just say I hope a hanky is nearby for the tears sure to well up in your eyes. Because this man is a SEXY, BRILLIANT ACTOR. Get it, Phil. Get it.


schoolpants said...

it's at around 1:55 of the trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVULgMpPLls

that face. so sad. if a face could get the wind knocked out of it, that's what it would look like.

that doesn't make sense.

Anonymous said...

PLUS i hear he chews with his mouth open. Whats sexier than that?