typically daddy cannot watch cable television. however last night at a friends house, we happened to turn on the VMAs right in the middle of some pretentious, long-winded madonna tribute to MJ. she was annoying. it was bad. then PSYCHO kanye was a giant DICK. not that i like taylor swift. because i really don't. but he CLEARLY does not get that he's digging his own grave on a daily basis with all the DUMB ASS SHIT he says.
NEXT taylor did some awkward performance live from the nyc subway, with a bunch of tacky ADBs (average dumb bitches- use it) chasing her around the tunnels with their frosty side bangs, tube tops and hoop earrings.
we were about to head home when they announced GAGA was up next. not only were wheelchairs and crutches involved, but the last shot before commercial was of her dead stare amidst a poofy white mom wig-- her lifeless, blood-soaked body dangling from a rope as if she had symbolically "hanged" herself.